
Locals prevent construction of hydropower plant in Buturovic Polje

Locals prevent construction of hydropower plant in Buturovic Polje

Several hundred locals from Buturovic Polje in central Bosnia have gathered to prevent the construction of a hydropower plant on the Neretvica river, arguing that it would seriously endanger the flora and fauna in the area and prevent access to clean drinking water to those living there.

The protesters prevented the machines from reaching the site where the plant is supposed to be built.

According to Viktor Bijelic, from the Coalition for River Protection in Bosnia and Herzegovina, some 300 to 400 hundred people had gathered at the site to protect their access to clean water.

“It’s important to note that the Elektroprivreda (Bosnia’s public electric utility company) has tried to secure a loan via the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the construction of two of the 15 hydropower plants,” he said, adding that the EBRD then determined that some species living in that area are on the European Habitats Directive list.

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“They (the EBRD) gave up on it due to the endemic species. So, if they gave up, then the entire project is disputable,” he added.



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