
What’s He Really Thinking?


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IT’S A FACT: If you could read your man’s mind, you would have an almost “unfair” advantage over every other woman he’s ever met.

Fact is, I’ve taught this to thousands of women worldwide. And it’s all based on scientific fact and my experience working with hundreds of clients in my private practice.

Mostly, they’re confusing because you are not a man. (Believe me, that’s a good thing!)

If you’re seeing the world only through your eyes, the way most women do, you’re only getting half the picture.

Fact is, the majority of women have no clue how the world looks though a man’s eyes. Most women can’t be bothered to care how their men think or what they feel.

The fact that YOU are reading this tells me you’re different from most women.

Now, as we both know, 99.99% of men badly need a crash-course in understanding women. But here’s the thing:

Fact is, you won’t discover the secrets of understanding men by talking to other women. To really understand men, you simply need to talk to a man.

But notice that I didn’t say, “Talk to ANY man.”


You need to talk to a man with years of professional experience helping thousands of couples nationwide to understand each other… communicate more effectively… and have more fun while both dating and in long-term relationships.

And during that time, I’ve helped hundreds of men and women find and achieve more rewarding and satisfying relationships. In fact, I’ve been nicknamed, “The Relationship Doctor” by my clients nationwide. That’s because I’ve discovered the prescription for keeping your love alive… whether you want to strengthen an existing relationship, or rekindle the fiery spark you once had and badly want back. Best of all… it really works.

So if you want to understand your man better… and you’re not afraid of some straight talk… keep reading. I’m going to share with you some of the secrets I’ve learned.

And in the next few minutes, I’ll show you how—using your intuition—you can easily develop an almost magical ability to “see” what your man is thinking… read his mind… understand his actions… and interpret his often confusing behaviors.

I’ll also show you an incredibly simple way you can learn to deepen your romantic connection with your man and super-charge your relationship for life.

Imagine how your relationship would change for the better if you knew:

So when you feel insecure about something or want to share something you think he’ll perceive as “negative,” you don’t. You keep it inside. You bottle it up.

You’re afraid that by being honest with him, you’ll lose his love and respect.

The problem with this approach (and many women do this) is you end up feeling more scared and alone than ever. And—the worse part—it often becomes a vicious cycle: You don’t share your true feelings with him, and he doesn’t seem to be sharing his true self with you, either. It’s frustrating for everyone!

You’re dying to ask him what’s wrong, but you don’t. You tippy-toe around him, holding your breath. And you force yourself to accept the silence and the distance between you.

You both pretend everything’s okay—and you both know it’s not.

Don’t do it! Nothing could be further from the truth!

Here’s a little-known secret that will turn your love life around and bring you the closeness you’ve been seeking…

Men don’t like drama or high emotions. (Read that again.) It makes them uncomfortable. But that’s not because they don’t care. Rather it’s because they’re not as comfortable handling emotions as women are. So emotional intensity or hidden intensity makes men want to shut down and withdraw.

In order to feel comfortable opening up, a man needs to feel safe with you. And he can’t feel safe if you’re making him uncomfortable. However, if you can express our feelings in a non-judgmental way, you allow your man to stay open to you. And he’ll feel more comfortable opening up to you, too.

Stuffing down negative emotions or pretending that something doesn’t bother you doesn’t work. Sure, you’ll avoid outright conflict, but you’re not fooling anyone—least of all your man.

Instead, share your feelings, not your thoughts or actions. What do I mean by this? Let me explain:

Let’s say your guy has been working a lot, and coming home late. You hardly see him anymore, and it’s begun to feel like you’re roommates sharing a space, instead of lovers sharing a life. Worse, when he is home, the two of you never talk about your relationship any more. It’s as though your life as a couple has ceased to exist.

Lately—when you hear him come in—you’re not delighted and excited to have him home. Instead, you dread another long evening of silence and small talk.

At the sound of his key in the lock, your heart pounds, and your stomach tightens. Once those physical feelings meant love and desire. But now those feelings mean you’re frustrated and anxious, because you don’t know what to say to him.

Instead of letting your frustration and sadness boil over into scalding criticism of his actions (“I can’t believe you forgot our anniversary!”) try communicating the simple, real feeling you’re having (“I’m really sad that you’re so busy at work that you couldn’t get home early for our anniversary”)

That’s why I urge you to read my powerful, best-selling eBook, What’s He Really Thinking? I’ll show you exactly how to express your feelings without making him feel guilty and helpless. You’ll be amazed at how expressing your feelings this new way will inspire your man to open up to you, and connect to you in ways you never imagined.

“What’s He Really Thinking was one of my favorite Bob Grant books so far.  It provided me with specific insights into the male mind that I was unaware of, and helped me clear up a few misconceptions that I had about men in general.  I have been using some of the principles I learned, and what a huge difference it has made in my relationship. My significant other has noticed some subtle changes and commented on how much he likes the changes. Thank you Bob Grant!”

(City/State withheld by request)

Fact is, once you know how to attract a man’s heart, not just his body and mind, you will have him forever.

LISTEN: The information I’m going to share with you is not the fluff you see in bookstores or online. You know the ones I mean. The crappy e-books loaded with nothing more than someone’s opinions about why your relationship isn’t working.

It’s also not one of those generic guides cobbled together from other people’s mediocre websites.

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The result? Instant relationship improvement… a far deeper connection… amazing communication… and greater personal power.

“I was reading through What’s He Thinking and laughed my head off when I got to the part about how men focus on just one thing at a time. It explained so much! Now I know how to get his attention pretty much whenever I want. Thanks so much.”

Greenville, SC

“Reading this book helped me to get rid of a lot of previous assumptions that I made about men.  It opened my eyes and caused me to really think twice about the way that I judged things that guys do or say. My boyfriend has already noticed a big difference. I guess that’s why he’s started spending more time with me, :-). Thanks Bob!”

And best of all, you can start right now! Beginning in the next few minutes, you can gain a clearer understanding of the man you love. You can take steps to ensure you keep your soul mate, the love of your life, for the rest of your life.

You see, What’s He Really Thinking? was written not only to help women just like you, but because of women just like you.

I took 20 years of the most powerful insights my clients gave me, and condensed them into what I believe are the clearest and easiest ways to peek inside the male mind.

The best part? You can put this information to use right away. You’ll quickly discover the many ways men are predictable, and how you can use that knowledge to benefit both of you.

In fact, while you’re reading What’s He Really Thinking?, you’ll feel as if you’re in a private session with me. And—better still—when you start putting the information to use, it’ll be like having me by your side… tugging on your sleeve… telling you all the right things to say and do… whispering in your ear the secrets that will change his moods… make him cooperative… understand your feelings… and see you for the amazing women you are!

“I read What Is He Really Thinking? and I thought what have I been thinking?  Bob’s book helped me to re-evaluate how I respond, and to see how my misperceptions have led me to see many of the men I have dated in the wrong light.  The book makes it seem so simple!  It’s helped me to gain a new perspective that has made a big difference in my current relationship!!”

Dana Alison
St. Louis, MO

And men will notice. They will respond to you differently. They will realize that you’re not like any other woman they’ve met.

It’s a lot of power to have. But it’s a power that’s been denied to women like you for too long.

“I love the book.  I have made bad choices and I was not aware why things never worked out.  With this book, I can see my mistakes and it gives me new hope.”

“Devoured your What’s He Really Thinking yesterday. Such good stuff—it makes me want to write even more—and reminds me that there are other men who know the exact same stuff that I do.

Very humbling.”

Evan Marc Katz, Dating Coach
Featured in the bestselling book, Marry Him

After you order, look for these Advanced Programs offered at a STEEP discount.

The Woman Men Adore advanced Video System.

– You’ll exactly what men find irresistible in a woman.

– How to create the kind of intense attraction that makes a man

With specific real life examples and practical tips and suggestions, you won’t have to guess about what to do.

* Paige used the On button technique and suddenly her husband began asking her how he could help out around the house.

* Cynthia realized that she had been using the #1 relationship killer on all of her boyfriends and by making 1 simple change married the next man she dated.

* Gretchen was using the unconscious trigger and found herself being approached by a gentleman in a hotel lobby. Her words to me were, “Bob, that has never happened to me before!”

-The temptations men face today are constant.

-Hook up website, Apps that make affairs easy and even FACEBOOK. All of these tempt a man and put even the strongest relationship at risk.

-Unless a man has an emotional BOND with you, he won’t love you enough to resist all of those temptations.

The Bonding Code will show you how to create this bond that will keep him devoted to you forever.

Just click on the button in the form below, and you’ll get instant access to your personal copy of What’s He Really Thinking?, including the bonus section (Page 111) —The Four Steps to Reading Minds—absolutely FREE, all with my 60 day guarantee of complete satisfaction.

“This Program challenges many long held beliefs and theories about men that simply aren’t true. It’s very practical, easy to understand and shockingly accurate. A must-read for any woman who wants to stop guessing and know the truth about what’s really going on inside a man’s mind. It’s like letting women look through a one-way mirror at men and letting her see, hear and know what he’s really thinking. This book is a must for any woman who wants to understand her man!”

Susie and Otto Collins, Authors of:

Magic Relationship Words,
Stop Talking on Eggshells
and Should You Stay or Should You Go?

Remember, you risk nothing. Just check it out. You have 60 days to examine What’s He Really Thinking? and put the knowledge to work for you. And you are completely protected by my “No-Nonsense, You Love It or I Give You a Fast & Cheerful Refund Guarantee”.

It’s time to get off the rollercoaster of uncertainty. Dating or married, you absolutely need this information about men if you want to have a relationship that is better than it is now, or what you have had in the past.

The simple, actionable information you’ll find in What’s He Really Thinking? has already worked for hundreds of women, of all ages, and from all walks of life. Follow my advice in What’s He Really Thinking? and you’ll reap the rewards. I guarantee it.

Bob Grant, P.L.C.

“The Relationship Doctor”

P.S. Remember, after you download your copy of What’s He Really Thinking? you have 7 whole weeks to test out your new knowledge. If you’re like most other women, however, you won’t need that much time to see a big change taking place in both you and your man. Its pure psychology… and you’ll finally know all about it.

P.P.S. With what you’ll learn in What’s He Really Thinking? you’ll be able to stop worrying about your relationship, and start having fun again! Plus, you’ll once again be the most fascinating, most interesting woman he’s ever met!

Sure, I know that sounds corny, but that doesn’t matter. What matters are the results you get. And when you see the change in how your man interacts with you when you show him you truly understand what he’s saying… and how the effectiveness of your communication skyrockets, you’ll be singing the praises of this incredible book, too! Now… click the button below and start reading!

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