Categories: Novosti

US embassy welcomes High Rep’s decision: Srebrenica genocide is historical fact

Genocide denial and war criminal glorification are unacceptable and undermine the mutual trust needed to bring Bosnia and Herzegovina forward on its European Union path, the US Embassy said commenting on the genocide denial ban imposed by international envoy Valentin Inzko.

“The outgoing High Representative’s action demonstrates the gravity he places on this issue as a matter of BiH stability and underscores the continuing imperative that all in BiH contribute to reconciliation. The criminal code amendment is a starting point for more concrete debate and steps by local actors when it comes to practical implementation,” the embassy said.

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“We must underscore that the genocide at Srebrenica is not a matter of debate, but of historical fact. It is likewise important to emphasize that these terrible crimes are not a reflection or condemnation of an entire people,” it added.

The US Embassy also said that the “glorification of war criminals by any party or disrespecting the suffering endured by each community in BiH dishonors the memory of the victims and undermines reconciliation. It is time to truly turn to a future based on peace and mutual trust.”



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