
Bosnia’s FBiH budget proposal includes purchase of firefighting aircraft

Bosnia’s FBiH budget proposal includes purchase of firefighting aircraft

The government of Bosnia’s Federation (FBiH) entity has planned 30 million Bosnian Marks for the purchase of firefighting aircraft in the 2022 budget which is still being discussed.

“We want to solve the fire problem permanently. We will establish a special service, we are waiting for the opinion of the professionals in order to decide on the details “, a source from the FBiH government told N1.

The service would allegedly include three planes and one helicopter.

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The FBiH House of Peoples is debating the entity budget worth 5.6 billion BAM, which was previously supported by the FBiH House of Representatives.

According to a recent statement by BiH Presidency Chairman Sefik Dzaferovic, his Bosnian Serb colleague in the institution, Milorad Dodik, refused to approve the use of BiH Armed Forces’ (AF BiH) helicopters for fighting fires across the country.




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