Product Name: Red Eared Slider Secrets – The Red Eared Slider Secret Manual
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Red Eared Slider Secrets – The Red Eared Slider Secret Manual is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
Experts On Red-Eared Sliders All Around The World AgreeÂ
Your Red-Eared Slider May Not Be Getting The Care It Needs If:
From the desk of Chris Johnson
: today=new Date();todayInMillisecs=today.getTime();milsecsInADay=1000*60*60*24;mydate=new Date(0*milsecsInADay+todayInMillisecs);var year=mydate.getYear();if (year < 1000)year+=1900;var day=mydate.getDay();var month=mydate.getMonth();var daym=mydate.getDate();if (daym<10)daym='0'+daym;var dayarray=new Array('Sunday','Monday','Tuesday','Wednesday','Thursday','Friday','Saturday'); var montharray=new Array('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December');document.write('‘+dayarray[day]+', ‘+montharray[month]+' ‘+daym+', ‘+year+”);
RE: An Urgent Message To All Red-Eared Slider Enthusiasts!
Dear Fellow Red-Eared Slider Friend,
Did you acquire your Red-Eared Slider with no intention of researching the animal and following up on instructions from the pet shop?
Were you under the impression that the Red-Eared Slider is an inexpensive pet?
Okay, I will admit it  I LOVE Red-Eared Sliders! I have owned and bred these wonderful creatures for a great number of years. In fact, I am one of the most renowned experts on these beautiful semiaquatic turtles.
Unfortunately, not everyone who purchases a Red-Eared Slider has the same level of expertise as me and other authorities on this particular reptile. All too often, an inexperienced patron will wonder into a pet store and purchase a Red-Eared Slider because it looks cool and easy to handle.
Many people believe that they are buying an animal that will be no more difficult to take care of than a goldfish. These people will inevitably make horrible mistakes that can seriously endanger the well-being of their cherished Red-Eared Slider.
In order to fully understand the reason Red-Eared Sliders require such special care and attention, it is important to learn as much about them as possible, starting with their origin. Turtles are one of the oldest living animals on the planet, existing for millions and millions of years!
Red-Eared Sliders Are Among
The Most Recognizable Creatures On Earth!
The natural habitat of the Red-Eared Slider is on the bottom of streams, rivers, ponds and lakes, dining on mealworms, crickets, crayfish, flies, tadpoles and dragonflies. In addition, the Red-Eared Slider is quite the sun lover.
Now, just imagine tearing a Red-Eared Slider from its natural habitat in a large lake or pond, where the temperature is just right and moving them toÂ
A Bowl In Your Living Room!
Unless you happen to live on the bottom of a large body of water, I doubt your living room has the same conditions as the Red-Eared Slider's natural habitat.This means that you have to create an artificial environment that is similar to their natural habitat.
It is not as simple as filling and aquarium with water and adding a few rocks!
This is where the trouble starts! Most people not only have no idea how to mimic the natural habitat of the Red-Eared Slider, but also do not realize the expense that is involved. When you factor in all of the necessary equipment and supplies, raising your very own Red-Eared Slider can become quite an expensive pastime.
Fortunately, over the years as an owner and breeder of Red-Eared Sliders, I have worked out several tricks and shortcuts that I am willing to share with you, so you can save money, and perhaps your turtle's life! Are you ready to learn how to create a top notch, comfortable environment for your Red-Eared Slider?
If you have been considering obtaining a Red-Eared Slider for a while now, you will agree that there are many, many websites and forums on the Internet related to Red-Eared Sliders. However, you can read them all and still not know how to provide the best possible care for your turtle. The reason for this is that most of the people who write for these websites and visit these forums are not experts like me. In fact, many are actually clueless on the subject.
Following the information you find on these websites and forums is like the blind leading the blind!
Why would you want to waste your time trying to learn from people who have no idea how to care for a Red-Eared Slider properly when you have the opportunity to pick the brain of a veteran owner and breeder who actually does it every day?
Stop worrying whether you are doing everything right and learn the proper way to care for your Red-Eared Slider! It is time to take advantage ofÂ
This information is available for instant download via the Internet. No matter if you are thinking of purchasing a Red-Eared Slider, of if you are already the proud owner of one or more of these amazing creatures you will be able to determine quickly whether you are treating your turtle right.
“I Own A Red-Eared SliderÂ
Your Book Showed Me Just
How Much I Did Not Know!”
I am the proud owner of a happy, healthy Red-Eared Slider that is the greatest joy of my life! I thought I was taking proper care of him, but once I read Red Eared Slider Secrets, I realized that I was making a number of mistakes. I plan to recommend this book to other Red-Eared Slider owners I know!
~ Jan, British Columbia, Canada
“Thank Goodness I Bought This Book Before I Bought
A Red-Eared Slider!”
I had decided that I wanted to buy a Red-Eared Slider, so I was researching it on the Internet. When I found your book, I thought, “Might as well”. I am so glad I made that purchase! By following the guidelines in this book, not only was I able to avoid being scammed by a shady pet storeowner, but I also saved money on supplies! Many thanks!
~Ted, South Wales, England
“I Made One Pet Shop Owner Very Angry!”
After I read Red Eared Slider Secrets, I went to a local pet shop to see their turtles. I was able to quickly point out a number of problems with the Red-Eared Sliders in the store. A lady and her son were paying attention to what I had to say, and the owner's face fell when they told me “thank you” as they walked out without making a purchase. I was able to go to a different pet shop, where I found a healthy Red-Eared Slider! Thank you so much!
Here are just a few things that I will teach you in this book just about selecting the right Red-Eared Slider:
Once you have chosen the right Red-Eared Slider, you will need to know how to communicate with it. Although they are awesome creatures, these turtles do not talk. Instead, they rely on body language to communicate their feelings to you.
If you want to make sure your Red-Eared Slider has everything it wants, it is crucial for you to learn how to understand body language!
“This Book Is So Spot On!”
I just wanted to let you know how pleased I am with Red Eared Slider Secrets. I bought it only recently, expecting to know already most of the facts covered, as I am already a Red-Eared Slider owner. However, you discussed one serious problem that I have been having with my turtle! My Red-Eared Slider is now happier than ever! Thanks so much!
“The Perfect Pet For A 12-Year-Old!”
My son has been asking for a turtle for quite some time, but I was always afraid that he would not take proper care of it. I bought Red Eared Slider Secrets and made sure he read it before I would agree to take him to the pet store. I was so surprised with how much he actually learned he is following all of the guidelines in the book and taking very good care of his new friend. Thanks for the help!
“Now I Know What I Am Doing Is Right!”
I have been breeding Red-Eared Sliders for a number of years, so I thought that I knew all there was to learn about these beautiful creatures. However, reading your book showed me that it is possible to do a better job!
In this book, I also talk about setting up the proper enclosure for your Red-Eared Slider. Keep in mind, as I mentioned earlier, you need to mimic that natural habitat of these turtles as closely as possible.
I will teach you how to:
In addition to setting up a proper enclosure for your Red-Eared Slider, you will also learn how to handle your turtle in a way that is safest for both you and your reptile. Have you ever noticed how experts are always so relaxed when handling their Red-Eared Sliders? This is because they know what they should and should NOT do when handling these animals.
“I Am Having So Much Fun With My Red-Eared Slider!”
Before I read Red Eared Slider Secrets, my turtle would always hide when I tried to take him out of his enclosure. Now that I have learned about the techniques that you use, my Red-Eared Slider is so obedient and fun to play with all the time. In addition, he is also eating and sleeping much better. We are both SO happy!
A proper diet is essential to prolonging the life of your Red-Eared Slider. Your turtle must be well fed in order to grow to a healthy size and live a long, happy life in your home. Unfortunately, only a few turtle owners that I have met are actually feeding their Red-Eared Sliders the right foods.
“This Book Saved Me From An Unnecessary Vet Bill!”
My Red-Eared Slider, Elliot, seemed to have lost his appetite. I was just about to pack him up and take him to the vet when someone told me about this book. I downloaded it and in just a few days, Elliot is back to his old self, eating normally once again! A trip to the vet would have cost me hundreds of dollars! My wallet thanks you!
“This Book Should BE Treasured By All Red-Eared Slider Owners!”
This book is a Godsend for ANYONE who owns or breeds Red-Eared Sliders! I was going nuts worrying about my Red-Eared Sliders, whether I was giving them enough to eat. I was constantly fretting over these little guys. Reading Red Eared Slider Secrets calmed all of my fears. Now, I am sure I am doing everything right!
When you read my book, you will learn:
If you have made it this far, then you are aware of just how much valuable information I am willing to reveal to you in order to help you provide the best possible care for your beloved Red-Eared Slider. In fact, you veterinarian probably does not even know about half of the stuff that you will find in my book just because he or she is not likely to be experienced in caring for Red-Eared Sliders!
In this book, I will also tell you about some of the more advanced issues surrounding Red-Eared Sliders, including:
How To Breed Red-Eared Sliders Just Like A Pro!
It should come as no surprise that breeding your own Red-Eared Sliders means acquiring quite a bit more knowledge. However, I admit it is an incredibly rewarding experience if you know how to do it the right way!
I have first-hand experience breeding Red-Eared Sliders, and I am willing to teach you everything that I have learned over the years.
Let me be frank for a momentÂ
You Will Not Be Able To Find Such Valuable Tips
Anywhere Else Unless You Know Where To Find
Your Own Red-Eared Slider Expert!
All of the strategies and techniques that I teach you in Red Eared Slider Secrets are not simply a bunch of theories. The information that I provide to you is based on several years of experience as a Red-Eared Slider owner, breeder and enthusiast!
Caring for Red-Eared Sliders is the way that I make my living day after day, so it goes without saying that I know what I am talking about when it comes to these amazing creatures.
Would you prefer to spend your days worrying about your Red-Eared Slider, whether you are providing it with the best possible care or would you like to have this valuable guide on hand to teach you everything you need to know and what to do in every possible situation?
My book is written with the home Red-Eared Slider owner in mind, so you can expect it to be totally practical and not get to deep into details regarding extensive knowledge or sophisticated equipment.
In order to make caring for your Red-Eared Slider even easier, I am going to offer you a special bonus to ensure the experience is as pleasurable as possible for both you and your turtle friend.
So How Much Is All Of This Worth To You?
Just think about this for a moment  The Red-Eared Slider can live for up to fifty years in captivity. If you already have one or you are thinking about buying one then you should plan to have it in your life for the next fifty years.
Throughout those fifty years, you will need to be a responsible pet owner and give your Red-Eared Slider a comfortable place to live. Yet, this is not something that is going to come easily or inexpensively. Just purchasing an enclosure and furnishing it can cost you hundreds of dollars.
You need to consider just how much money you plan to spend on:
Obviously, owning a Red-Eared Slider is not a cheap endeavour. However, if you use the methods that I teach you in my book, you will be able to save money on supplies, food, enclosures and more by learning from expert breeders just like me.
Simply having access to this information is going to save you time and money!
Taking proper care of your Red-Eared Slider and knowing the best ways to handle it will save you hundreds of dollars in vet bills alone, not to mention the pain and heartache if your beloved Red-Eared Slider should die.
I have made it my mission to provide as many Red-Eared Slider owners as possible with the knowledge they need give their turtles everything that they need to stay happy and healthy for many, many years. You can download Red Eared Slider Secrets for a low affordable price and read it instantly on your PC or MAC, iPhone or iPad. If you like, you can even print it out so you can refer to it even when you are away from your computer.
You read it right. For less than the price of a single month of pet food and supplies, you can have your very own copy of my book, which will save you loads of worry, frustration and other troubles, such as that helpless feeling that overcomes you when you do not know what to do.
Still not sure it is worth it? What if I includeÂ
100% Risk Free Guarantee
I firmly believe that every Red-Eared Slider owner should get a copy of this book because this information will dramatically improve the life of your turtle.
As a matter of fact, I am so sure you will benefit from reading my book that I am willing to give you time to test my techniques with your own Red-Eared Slider. If you are not 100% convinced that my methods work and will help you learn how to become a better pet owner for any reason at all just let me know about it and I will give you all of your money back!
In addition, I will let you keep the book and the special bonus for FREE, just as my way of letting you know I appreciate your business.
If you own a Red-Eared Slider, you definitely need this book.
Go get your copy right now!
“Yes, Chris! I Want To Download My Very Own Copy Of Red Eared Slider Secrets Right Now!”
I understand that if I act now, I will gain instant access to this downloadable book full of tips and techniques that I can use to provide my Red-Eared Slider with the best possible care. I also understand that this information is not available elsewhere. I will also learn about saving money on food and supplies for my Red-Eared Slider.
Although not likely, but if for any reason I am not 100% satisfied with this book, I can get an unconditional 100% refund and keep book and the bonus just for trying it.
We value our customers, so you can rest assured your privacy is our greatest concern. The information you provide will never be shared.
NOTE: Download Your Copy Immediately,
No Matter
What Time Of Day Or Night!
P.S. I am going to be very blunt right now. If you are not interested in paying such a small amount of money to learn how to take better care of your Red-Eared Slider, and put your worries to rest forever, you are NOT FIT to be a turtle owner. Otherwise, get your copy now. Remember, your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.
Red Eared Slider Secrets by Axon Media
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.
Red Eared Slider Secrets – The Red Eared Slider Secret Manual is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.